Updating Axibase Collector

Download the Latest Axibase Collector Release

The latest release is available from the Axibase Downloads page:

wget -O axibase-collector.tar.gz https://axibase.com/public/axibase-collector-v{revision}.tar.gz

Copy Archive

Copy the axibase-collector.tar.gz file to the server where Axibase Collector is running.

Switch User

Switch to the user under which Collector java processes execute.

To look up the Axibase Collector installation directory, run:

$ ps aux | grep "axibase-collector.war"
axibase  25647 27.0  0.9 8037420 625988 ?      Sl   07:23   6:53 java -XX:PermSize=128m ...
su axibase

Unpack Archive

tar xvf axibase-collector.tar.gz

Stop Collector Process

To look up Axibase Collector installation directory, run:

$ ps aux | grep "axibase-collector.war"
axibase  25647 27.0  0.9 8037420 625988 ?      Sl   07:23   6:53 java -XX:PermSize=128m ...
-Dlogback.configurationFile=/opt/axibase-collector/conf/logback.xml ...

The installation directory is /opt/axibase-collector in the above example.


Replace axibase-collector.war File

Replace /opt/axibase-collector/lib/axibase-collector.war with the version contained in the archive:

cp ./axibase-collector/lib/axibase-collector.war /opt/axibase-collector/lib/

Start Collector Process


Updating Collector on Docker

Follow the steps outlined in the following brief Update Guide.