Allocating Memory to Components

Distribute memory among the ATSD components using the following sizing guidelines based on available physical memory.

Component Memory % Minimum, GB Maximum, GB
ATSD Server 20 1 8
HBase 20 1 8
HDFS 10 1 4

Example: 4 GB of physical memory

Component Heap Size, GB
ATSD Server 1
HBase 1

Example: 16 GB of physical memory

Component Heap Size, GB
ATSD Server 3
HBase 3

ATSD Server Heap Size

Open the ATSD server environment file.

nano /opt/atsd/atsd/conf/

Modify the -Xmx setting in the JAVA_OPTS parameter.

The format is -Xmx<size>{G|M}.


  • -Xmx1024M: 1024 megabytes
  • -Xmx2G: 2 gigabytes.


No space character must be present between the number and the unit.

export JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xmx2048M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath="$atsd_home"/logs"

Restart ATSD

/opt/atsd/bin/ stop
/opt/atsd/bin/ start

HBase Heap Size

Open the HBase environment file and uncomment the export HBASE_HEAPSIZE line.

nano /opt/atsd/hbase/conf/

Set new maximum memory size in megabytes.

export HBASE_HEAPSIZE=4096

The setting applies to both master and region servers.

Restart ATSD and HBase:

/opt/atsd/bin/ stop
/opt/atsd/bin/ stop
/opt/atsd/bin/ start
/opt/atsd/bin/ start

HDFS Heap Size

Open the HDFS environment file and uncomment the export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE line.

nano /opt/atsd/hadoop/conf/

Set new maximum memory size in megabytes.


The setting applies to both Name and Data nodes.

Restart all services:

/opt/atsd/bin/ stop
/opt/atsd/bin/ start

Verify Settings

View Xmx specified in process launch arguments.

ps aux | grep Xmx

Open the ATSD portal in the top menu and verify new settings on the memory charts.