HBase Replication

This guide describes how to configure replication at the HBase level to replay all changes from the primary cluster on the secondary cluster.

For the purpose of this document:

  • primary_hmaster_hostname is the hostname of the HBase Master host on the primary cluster.
  • primary_secondary_hostname is the hostname of the HBase Master on the secondary cluster.

Related Feature

To replicate the incoming data commands, enable Command Replication option instead.


:::warn The replication can be enabled only for new ATSD installations. Executing these steps leads to the loss of previously stored data on both the master and secondary clusters. :::

  • Both the primary and secondary servers must satisfy OS and hardware requirements.
  • The same HBase and ATSD co-processor versions must be installed on both servers.
  • The secondary cluster must have no ATSD servers connected to it to prevent collisions.


Complete this step on both servers – primary and secondary.

Stop ATSD and HBase components:

/opt/atsd/bin/atsd-all.sh stop

Add HMaster IP addresses to /etc/hosts file:    localhost
primary_hmaster_ip    primary_hmaster_hostname
secondary_hmaster_ip     secondary_hmaster_hostname

Example of a correct hosts file:    localhost    atsd_p    atsd_s

Enable replication in the hbase-site.xml file:


SECONDARY: Complete this process on the secondary HMaster server.

Edit the atsd-all.sh file to disable ATSD startup:

sudo nano /opt/atsd/bin/atsd-all.sh

Comment out the following strings in the start_all function:

${ATSD_TSD} start
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
    return 1


#   ${ATSD_TSD} start
#   if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
#       return 1
#   fi

Start Hadoop and HBase:

/opt/atsd/bin/atsd-all.sh start

Run the replication configuration script:

/opt/atsd/hbase_util/configure_replication.sh slave

This command truncates all ATSD tables.

Verify that ATSD tables are present.

Start HBase shell and list tables:

echo "list" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell 2>/dev/null | grep -v "\["

The output contains a list of ATSD tables, all starting with atsd_:

PRIMARY: Complete this step on the primary HMaster server.

Start Hadoop and HBase:

/opt/atsd/bin/atsd-dfs.sh start
/opt/atsd/bin/atsd-hbase.sh start

Add replication peer.

echo "add_peer '1', \"secondary_hmaster_hostname:2181:/hbase\"" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell

Ensure that the peer is set.

echo "list_peers" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell
1 secondary_hmaster_hostname:2181:/hbase ENABLED
1 row(s) in 0.0930 seconds

Run replication configuration script:

/opt/atsd/hbase_util/configure_replication.sh master

This command truncates all ATSD tables and enables replication on all ATSD column families.

Start ATSD:

/opt/atsd/bin/atsd-tsd.sh start

Verify that ATSD tables are present:

echo "list" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell 2>/dev/null | grep -v "\["

Output contains a list of replicated ATSD tables, all starting with atsd_.

Replication for New Tables

New tables created as part of product upgrades in the primary cluster are not automatically replicated. Enable replication for new tables manually as described below.

atsd_new_table is the name of the new table.

PRIMARY: Complete this step on the primary HMaster server.

Write the table schema to a file:

/opt/atsd/hbase_util/configure_replication.sh schema atsd_new_table > ts_schema.txt

Copy table schema file to the secondary HMaster server.

scp ts_schema.txt secondary_hmaster_hostname:/tmp

SECONDARY: Complete this step on the secondary HMaster server.

Create new tables in the secondary cluster:

/opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell < /tmp/ts_schema.txt

PRIMARY: Complete this step on the primary HMaster server.

Enable replication for the new table:

/opt/atsd/hbase_util/configure_replication.sh flag atsd_new_table

Verify that the new table is being replicated using the verification instructions below.

Verifying Replication

Option 1

SECONDARY: Complete this step on the secondary HMaster server.

Check HBase logs for replication activity:

tail -n 1000 /opt/atsd/hbase/logs/hbase-axibase-regionserver-atsd_slave.log | grep replicated

The output contains replication activity and the of amount tables replicated in the secondary cluster:

2018-07-17 16:39:22,926 INFO  regionserver.ReplicationSink (ReplicationS
ink.java:replicateEntries(158)) - Total replicated: 4
2018-07-17 16:39:24,019 INFO  regionserver.ReplicationSink (ReplicationS
ink.java:replicateEntries(158)) - Total replicated: 1
2018-07-17 16:39:25,083 INFO  regionserver.ReplicationSink (ReplicationS
ink.java:replicateEntries(158)) - Total replicated: 1
2018-07-17 16:39:31,122 INFO  regionserver.ReplicationSink (ReplicationS
ink.java:replicateEntries(158)) - Total replicated: 1

Option 2

PRIMARY: Complete this step on the primary HMaster server.

Open the Alert > Rules page in the ATSD web interface.

Click Create and complete the following fields as specified below:

  • Name: testrule
  • Metric: testrule
  • Condition: true

Click Save.

Scan the atsd_rule table and note down the amount of line contained in the table:

echo "scan 'atsd_rule'" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell

SECONDARY: Complete this step on the secondary HMaster server.

Scan the atsd_rule table and note down the amount of line contained in the table:

echo "scan 'atsd_rule'" | /opt/atsd/hbase/bin/hbase shell

The output contains the same amount of rows as in the primary cluster:


If the primary cluster loses connection to the secondary cluster, it buffers the transactions for the duration of the connection loss and replays them once the connection is re-established. No data is lost in the process.