Installation on Docker

Quick Start

For a quick installation of pre-integrated Axibase Collector and ATSD instances in a single Docker container, refer to the ATSD Sandbox guide.

Host Requirements

Image Information

Importing an Image in Restricted Environments

If the Docker host does not have connectivity to Docker Hub, download and import the Collector image manually.

  • Log in to a Docker host which is connected to Docker Hub.
  • Pull the Collector image from Docker Hub and export into an archive file:
docker pull axibase/collector:latest
docker save -o docker-axibase-collector.tar axibase/collector:latest
gzip docker-axibase-collector.tar
  • Copy the docker-axibase-collector.tar.gz archive to the target Docker host.
  • Import the image from the archive:
docker load < docker-axibase-collector.tar.gz

Alternatively, download a pre-built image from the

Start Container

Using Collector to monitor Docker? Launch the container in privileged mode as described in the Docker Job Documentation.

docker run \
 --detach \
 --publish 9443:9443 \
 --restart=always \
 --name=axibase-collector \

To automatically configure a connection to ATSD add the -atsd-url parameter with the ATSD hostname and HTTPS port, by default 8443, as well as Collector account credentials.

docker run \
 --detach \
 --publish 9443:9443 \
 --restart=always \
 --name=axibase-collector \
 axibase/collector:latest \

If the username or password contains a $, &, #, or ! character, escape the character with backslash \.

The password must contain at least six (6) characters and is subject to certain requirements.

To send data to ATSD at as user john.doe with the password secret, specify:

docker run \
 --detach \
 --publish 9443:9443 \
 --restart=always \
 --name=axibase-collector \
 axibase/collector:latest \

The credentials can also be passed as environment variables.

--name=axibase-collector \
--env COLLECTOR_USER_NAME=john.doe \

To specify a secondary database for failover, add -atsd-url-secondary parameter containing the URL and user credentials of the secondary database in the same format as the -atsd-url parameter.

If necessary, customize the failover parameters with -failover-timeout and -failover-switchback-interval arguments, specified in seconds.

docker run -p 9443:9443 \
  --name axibase-collector \
  axibase/collector \
  -atsd-url=https://username:password@ \
  -atsd-url-secondary=https://username:password@ \
  -failover-timeout=60 \

Start Container in Privileged Mode

The launch command is different if the Collector container is used to monitor statistics from the local Docker Engine.

Launch Parameters

Name Required Description
--detach Yes Run container in background and print container id.
--publish-all No Publish exposed HTTPS port (9443) to a random port.
--restart No Auto-restart policy. Not supported in all Docker Engine versions.
--name No Assign a host-unique name to the container.

To bind Collector to a particular port instead of a random one, replace --publish-all with --publish 10443:9443, where the first number indicates an available port on the Docker host.

Environment Variables

Name Description
ATSD_SERVICE_PORT_TCP TCP port for network commands.
ATSD_URL URL (protocol://host:port) for ATSD connection.
COLLECTOR_USER_NAME Username for the data collector account.
COLLECTOR_USER_PASSWORD Password for the data Collector account.
DOCKER_HOSTNAME Hostname of the Docker host where Axibase Collector container is running.
JAVA_OPTS Java VM options.
By default Collector starts with option -Xmx256m

For example, add JAVA_OPTS variable to increase maximum Java heap size allocated to the Collector process.

--name=axibase-collector \
--env JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m \

Check Installation

Initializing the application can take up to five minutes.

docker exec -it axibase-collector tail -f /opt/axibase-collector/logs/axibase-collector.log

The following message indicates that the initial configuration is complete: FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher': initialization completed.

Access Log Files

Application logs are written to /opt/axibase-collector/logs directory within the container.

To persist logs outside of the container, map the logging directory to a mount point on the Docker host.

docker run -p 9443:9443 \
  --volume /tmp/collector-logs:/opt/axibase-collector/logs \

This provides access to logs files even when the container is stopped.


docker ps | grep axibase-collector
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
ee15099d9f88        axibase/collector   "/bin/bash /opt/axiba"   33 seconds ago      Up 32 seconds>9443/tcp   axibase-collector

Note the public HTTPS port assigned to axibase-collector container, 32769 in the example above.


Open https://docker_hostname:32769 in your browser and create an administrator account.

docker_hostname is the hostname or IP address of the Docker host and 32769 is the external port number assigned to the Collector container in the previous step.

ATSD Connection Setup

Configure ATSD Server connection to send data into an ATSD instance.


Review the log files for any errors:

docker exec -it axibase-collector tail -n 100 /opt/axibase-collector/logs/axibase-collector.log
docker exec -it axibase-collector tail -n 100 /opt/axibase-collector/logs/err-collector.log