Bar Chart


The Bar Chart displays last series values as horizontal or vertical bars.

  type = bar
  metric = cpu_busy

      entity = nurswgvml007
      entity = nurswgvml006

Widget Settings

  • The settings apply to the [widget] section.
  • Common [widget] settings are inherited.
Name Description
horizontal Display bars horizontally.
Possible values: false, true.
Default value: false.
Example: horizontal = true
stack Disable series grouping to display each series in a separate column.
Possible values: false, true.
Default value: true.
Example: stack = false
group Grouping keys to apply the same color to series in the same group.
Default value: metric.
  • group = region
  • group = entity, metric
display-values Show bar values.
If mode = stack, displayed total represents sum of all included series.
Possible values: false, true.
Default value: true.
Example: display-values = false
rotate-ticks Rotate labels on the x axis by n degrees.
Possible values: true (vertical), and 0 (horizontal) to 90 (vertical).
Default value: 0.
  • rotate-ticks = 45
  • rotate-ticks = true
sort Sort bars by value in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order.
If the column contains multiple metrics, specify the name of the metric value to use to sort bars.
When mode = stack, bars are sorted by total grouped value.
If a column has multiple series, keyword in sort setting represents the sum of series values.
  • sort = DESC
  • sort = value ASC
  • sort = cpu_busy DESC
hide-empty-columns Hide columns with no data.
Possible values: false, true.
Default value: false.
Example: hide-empty-columns = true

Column Settings

  • The settings apply to the [column] section.
Name Description
column-alert-expression Boolean expression to apply conditional style to bars.
The CSS style must be specified in the column-alert-style setting.
The value field contains the total of all series in the given bar.
Example: column-alert-expression = value > 10
column-alert-style CSS style applied to the bar rectangle if column-alert-expression is true.
Example: column-alert-style = fill: red; stroke: red
column-label-format Column label pattern containing text and placeholders.
Supported placeholders: entity, metric, tagName, tagValue, tags.{tag-name}, statistics, period.
Default value: entity: metric: tagName=tagValue: statistics - period.
Example: column-label-format = tags.mount_point
multiple-column Applies to wildcard configurations.
If true, series with the same entity and tags are grouped in the same column. This applies to derived series which are placed in the same column alongside the underlying series.
Possible settings: false, true.
Default value: false.
Example: multiple-column = true

Series Settings

  • The settings apply to the [series] section.
Name Description
entity-label Override grouped series legend when group = entity.
Example: entity-label = srv007
metric-label Override grouped series legend when group = metric.
Example: metric-label = CPU Busy, %


Horizontal Bar Chart

Horizontal Alert

Sorted Bars with Derived Average Column