MySQL Server


This document describes how to collect global status metrics from performance_schema introduced in MySQL 5.7+ for long-term retention and monitoring in Axibase Time Series Database.

The process involves enabling a JDBC job in Axibase Collector to poll a global_status table and uploading the counters to ATSD for processing.


  • MySQL Server 5.7+

Installation Steps

Create a Read-Only Account in the Target MySQL Server

CREATE USER 'axibase-ro'@'collector_host' IDENTIFIED BY '********';
GRANT SELECT ON performance_schema.* TO 'axibase-ro'@'collector_host';

To allow connection from any IP address, use the wildcard for remote address:

CREATE USER 'axibase-ro'@'collector_host' IDENTIFIED BY '********';
GRANT SELECT ON performance_schema.* TO 'axibase-ro'@'*';

Allow External Connection to the Database

Modify mysql.cnf by setting bind-address =

Import MySQL Server Job into Axibase Collector

  • Open the Jobs menu and select Import from the split-button at the bottom of the screen to upload the mysql-server-jobs.xml file.

Configure MySQL Server Database Connection

  • Open the Data Sources > Databases page and select the database.
  • Provide connection parameters to the target MySQL Server database as displayed below:

  • Execute test query to check the connection:
  • Query result must be Query OK.

Verify Job Configuration

  • Open MySQL Server job.
  • Set Data Source to

  • Choose one of the target ATSD instances if your Collector instance is connected to multiple ATSD servers.
  • Save the Job.
  • Open each configuration, click Test and review output. See Data Queries below.

Schedule the Job

  • Open the JDBC Job page and click Run for the MySQL Server JDBC job.
  • Ensure that the job status is COMPLETED and Items Read and Sent commands are greater than 0.

  • If there are no errors, set job status to Enabled and save the job.

Verify Metrics in ATSD

  • Log in to ATSD.
  • Open the Metrics tab and filter metrics by name mysql.*.

Viewing Data in ATSD


Entity Groups

  • Open the Settings menu and select Entity Groups.
  • Create a new Entity Group, select the Expression tab from the Members table, and enter the following expression:
  • Save and verify that the group contains your MySQL database hosts:


  • Open the Portals page and import a MySQL portal from portal-mysql.xml.
  • Click the Assign link and associate the portal with the entity group you created earlier.
  • Open the Entities tabs, find the mysql database by name, and click the portal icon.

MySQL Server Performance Live Portal

Data Queries

  • Metrics Queries select most recent statistics:
SELECT * FROM performance_schema.global_status